We would like to make sure that everybody gets all important information about the registration to King Swing 2024 :)  
What we wrote down here is nothing new... but we want to be sure that everybody is aware of those rules ;) 


1. Will the prices go up by the number of registered dancers or will there be time limits?
2. Do I need to register in couple or can I register as a single dancer?
3. ALLstars discount
4. Group rules
5. Free passes won at other events
6. Prices
7. Code of conduct
8. Cancelation policy


1. Will the prices go up by the number of registered dancers or will there be time limits?

We will have time limits, NOT amount limits. 
After you have sent the registration form wait for confirmation email.

2. Do I need to register in couple or can I register as a single dancer?

This is a difficult topic ;)
We wouldn't like to create a situation in which single followers can't register and we want to be fair to everyone BUT still we need to motivate leaders somehow..


Couples will have priority before single dancers which MEANS:
You CAN register as a SINGLE dancer - and it will GUARANTEE you the PRICE, but NOT the place.

HOWEVER: what you also need to know is that if a couple registers after you - they will be put on the event list before you. After sending us your single registration you can look for a leader who will register with you, but even when it happens, your place on the event list won't change and you will still be placed after that other couple (your price will remain unchanged).

So if you want to be sure that you can join the event the best way is to register as a COUPLE.
Single followers will need to wait until single leaders will register (or opossite, but you know how it works...)
Of course we are sure that there will be place for some single dancers but the number of spots depends on the number of single registrations of both genders. ;) 

If you register in couple you need to have the same type of pass (full or party), but you can still choose different workshop levels with full pass.

3. ALLstars discount:

Message for the ALL-STAR WSDC DANCERS:

- all All-Star dancers will have 50% discount from current price.
- we will give you free passes if we invite you to the judges panel (but you still need to register)
- you don't have to worry about the balance :) :) :) 

 4. Group rules: LINK

 5. Free passes won at other events:

If you won free pass for King Swing 2023 and you want to attend our event - leta us know as soon as possible. If the event you won our pass was before opening of registration to King Swing than you have 2 weeks from the point that registration is open to let us know that you are coming.
If the event you won the pass is after our registration is open than you have two weeks from the event you won the pass to let us know.
If you won King Swing 2023 pass than your registration still must be balanced - It means if you are single follower and we already have too much single followers than you need leader to register with.
This is just because King Swing usually is sold out and we need to know how many people from waiting list we can accept and when. :) :) 

 6. Prices


Early Bird - Lancelot Price


Normal Bird - Merlin Price


Late Bird - King Arthur Price


November 28 to December 12, 2023
160 Euro


December 13, 2023 to January 3, 2024
175 Euro


From January 4, 2024
190 Euro



Party Pass - Dragon Price

110 Euro 


7. Code of conduct: LINK

8. Cancelation policy:

75% refund up to the end of January 2024

50% refund up to 14.02.2024

from 15.02 - no refund