There will be probably an audition, but the King trusts you are able to choose the right level of workshops for yourselves :)
However, he also kindly reminds you that attending classes on a higher level does not necessarily mean that you're going to become a much better dancer much faster :) Sometimes it is really better to take a little step back and work on your basics than rush into something too difficult :)
If you’re not sure which level to choose, please let us know and we will help you decide.
Important information and our opinion about Audition and improvement in dancing you can find when you scroll down :)
L2 |
WCS experience: Newcomer + Novice without points WSDC. This level is for those who don't dance competition or don;t have WSDC Novice points yet, but considering variability of the dance experience within this group we would like to divide this level into A and B depending on your experience (how long have you been dancing WCS).
Level 2 A - for those without WSDC points and dancing WCS NO longer than 3 years Level 2 B - for those without WSDC points and dancing WCS longer than 3 years Just be aware that depending on amount of registration to this level A and B we might be forced to change our assumptions because we really want you to get the best experience as possible ( if we have 10 registrations for L2A and 120 for L2B we will have to change our principles ;) )So please - be honest when you choose your workshop level :) |
L3 |
WCS experience: Novice with min. 1 point WSDC. |
L4 |
WCS experience: Intermediate with min. 1 point WSDC. |
L5 |
WCS experience: Advance with min. 1 point WSDC. |
AllStar |
WCS experience: AllStar with min. 1 point WSDC. |
1. Order of the audtion:
We will start with L5 auditioning for Allstar level, then we will go down: L4 auditioning for L5, etc.
2. IMPORTANT: All levels should BE ON TIME at the begining of audition because there is a chance that teachers would want to see all of you at the dancefloor at the same time.
If you are late for your level, there will be nothing we could do about it.
3. Trust your teachers:
Audition is not necessarilly about the level of dancing. It shows the teachers if the material they prepared for the classes is suitable for you at this moment.
If you don't make it to a higher level class, don't take it personally. It absolutely doesn't mean that you are a bad dancer. It just means that this time you will probably benefit more from a lower level class. And remember - even advanced dancers benefit from lower level class. There is always something new to learn!
4. Is auditioning a perfect system to assign everyone to particular groups?
In our opinion - it is not. Neither are WSDC points, especially for those of you who don't compete. And yet, we have to do it somehow and for now we didn't find better solution. If you have some thoughts about this - you can find Event Directors and share your opinion - maybe we will figure out a better solution for the next KS edition thanks to you :)
Still, even if this is not perfect system it doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense ;) When teachers see how you move they are able to tell if you can handle the material they planned for the class so they can know at which class they want you.
In a perfect situation, teachers would dance with everyone but we can probably all agree it is not possible at a big international event. We organise a smaller event - Summer Summit, where dancers auditioning for higher levels can dance with teachers, but with 800 dancers at KS, it is not possible. So again - you need to trust your teachers :)
Some thoughts about dance journey:
We would like to share with you an article written by Marcin Skalski. You can find there some nice points of view about dance improvement in West Coast Swing: